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The antagonist is the person or force that creates conflict for the main character in a literary work. They are often the character or element that the protagonist must overcome to achieve their goals or resolve the conflict in the story.

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Q: This is the person or force that creates conflict for the main character in a literary work.?
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What does conflict creates character mean?

The phrase "conflict creates character" suggests that facing challenges and difficulties can help individuals grow and develop strength, resilience, and positive qualities. Overcoming obstacles can shape a person's beliefs, values, and behavior, leading to personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself.

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This type of conflict would fall under internal conflict, specifically characterized by the main character's inner turmoil and guilt about their actions. It is a mental or emotional struggle within the character that creates tension and drives the plot forward.

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An external conflict is a struggle between a character and an outside force, such as another character, nature, society, or a situation. It creates tension in the story and drives the plot forward by presenting obstacles that the protagonist must overcome to achieve their goals. External conflicts add depth and complexity to a narrative by showcasing how characters respond to challenges beyond their control.

What is The person or thing in a story that often creates conflict in the story for the good guy?

The character responsible for creating conflict in a story for the protagonist is known as the antagonist. Antagonists can take many forms, such as a villain, rival, or obstacle that the main character must overcome to achieve their goals or succeed in the story.

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Person or animal who takes part in the action of a literary work?


What is The character that the main character struggles against?

The character that the main character struggles against is known as the antagonist. This character typically opposes or creates obstacles for the main character's goals or journey, adding conflict and tension to the story. The antagonist can take on many forms, such as a person, group, force of nature, or even an internal struggle within the main character themselves.

What is literary elements sequence in narrative and allusion?

In a narrative, the sequence of literary elements typically includes setting, character development, plot, conflict, climax, and resolution. Allusion is a literary device where an author refers to a well-known person, place, event, or piece of literature within their own work to enhance meaning or create connections for the reader.

What is the conflict in swindle?

it's person vs society. griffin faces financial problems.

What types of conflict might be present in a narrative?

Types of conflict in a narrative can include man vs. man (character vs. character), man vs. self (internal conflict), man vs. society (character against societal norms or expectations), and man vs. nature (character against elements or forces of nature). These conflicts add tension and propel the plot forward in the story.