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For all you e2020 students. The answer is lipids.

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Q: This is used in waxy waterproof coverings?
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What are used as waxy waterproof coverings?

Carbohydrates i think

What Used In Waxy Waterproof Coverings?

Paraffin wax and a solvent are the main ingredients.

Used In Waxy Waterproof Coverings?

The waxy waterproof coverings are what covers the stems and leaves of most of the plants. They help the plant not to loss a lot of water especially in the dry seasons.

Is amino acid part of waterproof coverings?

No A Lipid is part of waterproof coverings.

What is part of waterproof coverings?

its a lipid

What is waxy waterproof coating on plants is called?

A cuticle is the waxy material that helps plants retain water.

Is human skin waterproof?

Yes. The sebum (a waxy substance) produced by your dermis lubricates your skin and makes it waterproof.

A waxy coating helps make many organisms waterproof True or false?


How do leaves and stems that have waxy coverings to prevent water loss help the plants stay alive?

The waxy covering helps to prevent excessive water loss, and prevents the plant drying out.

What are the common features of fruits that are dispersed by water?

They have waterproof coverings and fibrous husk with air spaces

What is the waxy waterproof layer that covers the leaves and stems of most plants?

The waxy waterproof layer that cover most plant leaves and stems is called a cuticle. The cuticle is thicker on the upper half of a leaf's surface, and it is waterproof so as the internal areas of the leaf are kept secure from flooding, That's why you water plants at the roots.

How long is platypus fur?

It depends but on average 8mm long with a thick waxy waterproof coat!