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a hat

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Q: This is worn to keep your head warm?
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Hair on your head does what?

It protects our head and brain. Helps keep it warm.

How are shoe worn and where?

Shoes are usually worn outside. We wear them on the feet to protect our sole against any harm and keep our feet warm.

Wearing a hat on your head helps to keep you warmer when there is a cold wind blowing?

yes hats keep your head warm

Why woolens are worn in winter?

Woolens absorb heat quickly and therefore keep people warm.

Why do Catholic cardinals wear a yarmulke?

Cardinals or bishops do not wear a yarmulke, they wear a zucchetto, which is similar head cover. The color distinguishes the rank: black (rarely worn) is for priests, violet for bishops, red for cardinals and white for the pope. Some say it originated during the Middle Ages when churches had no heat. Many of the clergy worn a tonsure - the top of their head was shaven. The zucchetto help keep their head warm in the winter.

Clothing that starts with the letter m?

Muffler (worn on womens hand to keep them warm)jersey

Why is cotton fiber so often used in clothing worn next to the body?

to keep your body warm....

How does your hair colour affect its ability to keep your head warm?


How do you keep your head warm when you shave your head and your not allowed to where a hat at school?

Let your hair grow back.

Why did the Victorians have hats?

a) It was the fashion to wear hats b) They keep the head warm

Why do you where a hat in the winter?

You wear a hat in the winter to keep your head warm. It is not true that your body heat escapes from your head.

Is it true hats keep you warm?

yes you body heat leves from the top of your head