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the null hypothesis

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Q: This new drug have no effect on levels of depression. this is a statement of?
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What are the drug interactions associated with chasteberry tree use?

Not to be taken with synthetic hormones (birth control pills or HRT), drugs that effect dopamine levels; for Parkinson's disease (L-dopa, Parlodel); psychosis; smoking cessation; and depression.

Can a drug called welbutin for depression make you gain weight?

It is a possible side effect so yes it can, but not for everyone.

What is the effect of decreased albumin concentration on drug's absorption?

The effect of decreased albumin concentration on drug absorption is that it may cause first-pass metabolism. This may increase gastric pH levels as well.Ê

What drug family is Lexapro in?

Anti depressant and or anti anxiety. Commonly used for juvenile depression and adult anxiety, it is used to manage seratonin levels that are imbalanced

Why is the Kirby Bauer test not a good indication of how a drug will perform?

Different levels of drug solubility will effect the zone of inhabition which may not have any connection to the drugs effectivness as an antimicrobial.

How does the chemistry of ipriflavone effect drug interactions?

Ipriflavone has an inhibiting effect on a liver detoxification pathway involving an enzyme known as cytochrome P450. This effect increases both the blood levels and the effects of some drugs.

What are psychotropic drug?

They are medications used to treat various psychatric conditions, such as depression, Bipolar disorder, psychotic disorders, eating disorders, and addictions, among others, as well as any drug which consistently produces a mind-altering effect.

What drug treatment complications are common in PD patients?

Including rapid wearing off of drug effect, unpredictable "off states" (times of low levodopa levels in the blood), and disabling dyskinesias.

Can a drug user's body learn to tolerate the main effect and the side effect of the drug at the same rate?

Interesting question, yes and no depending on how high the dose of the particular drug is. For example if its a small amount of cannabis then the body can tolerate both the effect and the side effect of the drug. However if its a large amount of cannabis then the user will be either really chilled out or going to puke.

What is therapeutic effect of a drug?

The therapeutic effect is otherwise known as the "desired effect". The effect we want the drug to do. In contrast to Adverse or undesired effect.

What is the first statement of the Drug Free Pledge?

The first statement of the DRUG FREE pledge is I pledge allegiance to myself to believe in myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the difference between drug action and drug effect?

Drug action is the mechanism by which drug exerts its effects (i.e. the way it acts in the body to produce its effects). Drug response is the improvement or effect observed when the drug is administered. Drug effect is the improvement (or the portion thereof) due to the physiological mechanism itself. The drug effect is calculated by subtracting the placebo arm from the drug arm of a randomized controlled trial (RCT). In other words, drug response - placebo response = drug effect.