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It is important you go to you doctor and have this checked out. There could a variety of reasons this may be happening such as a miscarriage or endometriosis.

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Q: This past month I haave had Really bad cramps that feel like contractions and heavy bleeding and this makes the 2nd time ive had a period?
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Can cramps in your groin be contractions?

yes that's cramps but the cramps feel the same as when your on your period.

How do i know if I'm going into labor?

u'll get contractions which, from what I've heard, are like really really bad period cramps.

How do you know you have your period?

Bleeding, cramps, irritability.

Why do cramps go along with a period?

Cramps are caused by contractions of the uterus as it sloughs off its blood-rich lining.

Can you have implantation bleeding and cramps after youre two weeks late for your period?

Yes, you can get implantation bleeding and cramps if you get pregnant.This may occur two weeks after you believed you were due to start your period.

When you first start your period and are a vigin is it normal to skip a period and then have really heavy cramps and bleeding?

When your period first starts it is really irratic so it coming really close together or far apart is normal. It will even out eventually.

Does early pregnancy bleeding involve cramps?

I had early pregnancy bleeding and cramps at about 3 days after i discovered i was pregnant, i was about 4 weeks gone, the cramps were really bad, felt like bad period pains and it was all in the bottom of my back, it stopped after 4 days and everything is fine still

You have cramps and feel like im on your period but you have no bleeding?

wait a couple days and if you still have no bleeding take a pregnancy test. when i was pregnant i could feel slight cramps every month when i normally would have had my period

Could a woman be pregnant if she expierences bleeding and severe cramps not like normal period cramps?

Yes she can be pregnant, and if she is pregnant and is bleeding she is at risk of a miscarriage, and should see a doctor immediately.

If you still get your period but no cramps can you be pregnant?

No, you cannot have periods after you are pregnant. You can have minor vaginal bleeding but it is not a full period flow.

Period not due until 7 days and I'm bleeding with cramps?

That's your period. It can fluctuate depending on hormonal levels.

Can you have period cramps when your not on your period?

Yes. It is possible anytime to get period cramps.