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I is the Continental Divide

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Q: This separates the beginnings of the rivers in western US?
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What is the thing that separates the beginnings of the rivers in the western US?

Mountains. We use the term "divide" to mean the place on a mountain or ridge that separates two directions of water flow.

Which parallel separates western Canada from the western US?

The 49th Parallel

Are most of the rivers in the eastern or western half of the US?

western half

Whick US ridge separates east-flowing rivers from west-flowing rivers?

Its the continental divide. that is what is says in my textbook for school.Continental divide

What is the major barrier in the US that separates the flow of water in rivers from the Pacific O cean and the Atlantic Ocean?

Continental Divide

Which major American rivers once formed the western border of the US?

The Mississippi River.

What layer of the Earth separates us from space?

The atmosphere separates us. It is a pool of gases.

Is the continental divide in the eastern or western part of the USA?

The Continental Divide is the watershed. east of the Divide rivers flow east, south or north. West of the Divide, rivers flow west, north and south. The Continental Divide is the Rockie Mountains.

The Bering Strait separates what two modern countries?

The Bering Strait separates Russia and the US.

What landform separates the u.s from Mexico?

None. There is only the man-made border that separates the US from Mexico.

WHAT two rivers are in the US?

The Mississippi and the Missouri are two large US rivers.

What gives us the only truth and reasonable record of our beginnings?
