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Q: This vehicle can overcome the Earth's gravity because it expels a gas with a force equal to the pull of gravity?
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Why is flying to and through space a greater feat than flying through the air?

because to get to space you have to overcome the pull of earths gravity

What devices do es the space shuttle use to overcome the earths gravity?


What does a space shuttle use to overcome earths gravity?

Rockets, the fire and gas propelled out the bottom make it rise.

Are satellites orbiting earths gravity?

No. They orbit Earth; and the reason they orbit is because of gravity.

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Which planets surface gravity is 38 percent that of earths?

Both mercury and mars have a gravity which is around 38% of earths. Mercury's gravity is 37.8% of earths, Mars' gravity is 37.7% of earths.

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because of the rotation of the earths pull and gravity

Is gravity on Saturn stronger than earths gravity?

Yes it does, because the Earth is smaller than Saturn it will have less gravity than Saturn and because Saturn is bigger it will have more gravity

When earths early atmosphere formed which gases where lost because earths gravity was too weak?

Hydrogen and helium

Moon gravity vs earths gravity?

Moon gravity is less because the atmosphere and mass and the earths gravity is greater than the moon if you weight yourself in the earth and then you weighted yourself in the moon you would weight less in the moon you could actually float in the moon because of its atmosphere and mass

Is earths surface shapes mainly by water running downhill?

Because of gravity.

What can be said about the force of earths gravity pulling on the books?

Earths gravity acts on everything from its center of gravity to everything else's center of gravity.