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Implied Powers

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Q: Thomas Jefferson’s belief that government can do only what the Constitution specifically says is known as loose construction. implied powers. necessary and proper powers. express powers.?
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What is the Difference Between Strict Construction and Loose Construction?

Loose construction-means that the federal government can take reasonable actions that the constitution does not specifically forbidStrict construction- people who favor strict constitution think that that federal government should do only what the constitution specifically says it can do The Loose Construction Theory is when federalists interpret the Constitution into things that are in favor of a stronger national government. There are limitations involved.

What is loose construction?

I got this out of my social studies notebook: (not exactly word for word) "loose construction" is when federalists interpert the Constitution into things that are FOR a stronger National Government. by the way federalists are an organized group of people who are in favor of a strong National government.

What is the difference between loose construction and strict construction of the Constitution.?

Strict construction meant that those interpreting it thought that that the government should only have powers that were expressly stated in the constitution. Like, it shouldn't stretch the limits or try to do things that the constitution didn't say specifically were ok to do.

What is the Difference Between loose Constitution and strict Constitution of the Constitution?

A strict interpretation of the Constitution states that the government of the United States holds only those powers specifically granted to it by the Constitution. A loose interpretation of the Constitution posits that the government of the United States hold all powers that are not specifically denied to it by the Constitution.

What does strict and liberal construction mean?

Strict Construction- Philosophy of narrowly interpreting the Constitution; holds that the government can only do what the Constitution specifically allows.Added: And Liberal constructionism holds that the Constitution is an ever-evolvingdocument subject to new interpretation and meaning as society evolves and values change.

What Person interprets the constitution as allowing the federal government to take only those actions that the constitution specifically permits?

That person would have a 'strict' construction view of the Constitution. The other view is termed a 'loose' construction. The loose view believes if the Constitution doesn't prohibit the act (or law) it is okay.

What is The difference between the implied powers view of the constitution as to compared to loose construction view?

Implied powers are powers not specifically listed in the Constitution of the United States, but which the national government needs in order to carry out the expressed (strict) powers listed in the Constitution. Loose Construction is basically the same thing. A loose or liberal interpretation of the Constitution allows for the expansion of federal powers beyond those specifically listed in the Constitution.

How does the constitution limit the powers of the government?

The Constitution limits the power of government by specifically listing powers it does and does not have.

How did the Constitution limited government?

It specifically states what powers the government has. (NovaNet)

Those who favor a strict construction of the constitution believe what?

the powers of the federal government are explicitly granted by the constitution

Which early political party formed to promote a loose construction of the Constitution and a strong central government?

The Democratic political party was formed to promote a loose construction of the Constitution and a strong central government. The Democratic Party believes the Constitution is only a guideline.

What is the difference strict and loose interpretation of the constitution?

A strict interpretation of the Constitution states that the government of the United States holds only those powers specifically granted to it by the Constitution. A loose interpretation of the Constitution posits that the government of the United States hold all powers that are not specifically denied to it by the Constitution.