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UK, US and USSR.

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America, Britain, and France

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Q: What are 3 members of the allied powers?
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Who were the 5 members of the allied powers?

Allied Powers has 22 members, Axis has 7 members. :)

Who were the members of the allies powers?

Allied Powers has 22 members, Axis has 7 members. :)

Who were the two original members of the allied powers?

France and Russia

What is the 3 main members of the allied powers in World War I?

The 3 main members of the allied powers in world war 1 were Great Britan, the U.S., and I belive Russia, (although they backed out during the Bulshivick Revolution which started the USSR.) They were fighting the Axis Powers, which mainly consisted of Germany and Austrai - Hungry

European members of the Allied Powers?

The Allied Powers included the United Kingdom (Great Britain), France, Belgium, Serbia, Montenegro, and Russia. The opposition, the Central (Axis) Powers, consisted of Germany and Austria-Hungary. In 1914, Japan joined the Allied Powers

Who were members of the Allied Powers in World War 1?

Britain, France, Russia, Italy and the United States were members of the Allied Powers. Russia dropped out when the Russian Revolution started. The US was late getting into the war.

What allied powers won the World War 1?

ALL Allied powers. They included the United States, United Kingdom, France, and Italy among its leading members.

What were The United States England and Russia were members of during world war one?

allied powers

Three allied powers from World War 2?

The so called Big 3 allied powers in WWII were the UK, the USA and the Soviet Union.

Members of the allied powers in world war 1?

Britain, France, Russia, the United States, and later on Italy

Name the alliances and the members of each?

central powers allied powers Austria- Hungary great Britain Germany France turkey Russia Belguim Serbia

Did more nations belong to allied powers or the central powers in 1914?

allied powers got more