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Q: Three reasons why people leave their native lands?
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The three main reasons for exploration were to find new trade routes to Asia, to spread Christianity to new lands, and to acquire wealth and resources for European countries.

What are some of the reasons that people invaded other lands?

Some reasons why other countries invade others is to widen their territory.

Which group of people was forced to leave their ancestral lands and move to reservations?

Many groups of Native Americans were forced to leave their ancestral lands and were moved to reservations in the 1800's.

What were the three reasons for early civilization to interact with the ocean?

Obtain food, Discover new lands, means of trade.

Should Native American lands be protected?

YES, It is american History PEOPLE PEACE OUT AMERICA

What were the economic reasons that Native Americans were forced to go west?

because they were on land that the americans wanted to use, they werent concidered citizens to the government, and no one wanted to be the neighboor of an indian (for some reason) 

Why did Native Americans fight Americans?

Well. think of the common sense. Native Americans lost their own lands and was forced to reserved areas by the invaders "Americans".

Who was the radical Native American group that called for Native American lands to be returned?

The radical Native American group that called for Native American lands to be returned is the American Indian Movement.

Who gave the name Indians to the native people living in the lands that he explored?

Cabeza de Vaca or Fray

What are push-pull factors?

. forces that push people out of their native lands and pull them towrad a new place