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Vampires are legendary creatures that have never been proven to exist. However, many believe in vampires and a large body of data about vampires has been compiled. According to those sources, some of the things to ward of vampires are:




Mountain ash

Scattering seeds to distract them


Holy water

Holy cross

Cutting off its head

Wild roses

Rosary beads

In the original stories a stake was used to keep them stuck to the ground. To kill them, sever the head, and then burn the head and body separately. Scattering the ashes over moving water is said to be always good too. Or you file a wooden stake to a very sharp point and hen stab them in the heart with it, hammering it in with a hammer.

A point about the religious artifacts. This was a trait unique to Count Dracula and is not common for all vampires. Count Dracula was much conflicted about religion when he died and retained all that conflict when he became a vampire, and being a vampire was unable to change. So if you meet up with a vampire don't count on the religious artifact to help you at all.

A point about the scattered rice (seeds) this again was a particular vampire who was a neatness freak before she died and so picking up spilled rice was perfectly in character for her. Don't count on every vampire you plan on meeting having the same compulsion. Take more strenuous precautions.

Honestly holy water holy cross and garlic do nothing first we ocashionally drink holy water in front of newbies to prove that is fake we can roll in garlic and a cross nada not gunna kill us. things that will kill us stake through the heart vervain and fire. though some who don't think they can over power a human lace which blood and then you will die from the things that kill whiches and vampires in order to to die if you have done that you only need those two things...

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Q: Three things to ward of vampires There is holy water a holy cross and a stake?
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No that's werewolves, in most stories vampires hate garlic and can be killed with a wooden stake.

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a stake She uses many weapons, but the stake is her classic "go-to."

What are the thing are the vampires frighted of?

Garlic, sunlight, silver, the cross, holy water, the stake, being burned alive, but the thing they are petrified of most . . . . . is . . . . . . CRUSNIK! I heard they are not partial to a werewolf or two. Befriend a werewolf!

Why were vampires scared of the wooden stake?

Stabbing a vampire through the heart with a stake was one of the only ways to kill a vampire so they would naturally be afraid of them.

What equipment should you carry when hunting for vampires?

It depends on what rules govern the vampires you are referring to. In some fictional universes vampires can be killed by sunlight, a wooden stake to the heart or fire. If you are unsure, bring: wooden stake, metal stake, cross , holy water, UV light, garlic, Rifle, Machine gun, pistol, grenade and bombs, medi-kit, antidote for if you get bitten pack of blood- distracts the vampire. wolf- vampires either hate or love wolves, either way it will distract you (or the wolf will turn against you and try to kill you) I recommend you don't hunt vampires, they are really hard to kill and if they don;t want to be found you will have trouble finding them. Some vampires aren't evil and don't drink human blood, only animal blood. Or if they have to drink human blood they don't kill or turn the victims. So make sure you only hunt evil vampires!!

How can vampires be destoyed?

Sunlight, except in Twilight lol. Stake to the heart. Holy water. That's it

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According to folklore, you can kill a vampire by sticking a wooden stake in its heart.

What is the example sentence of stake?

there was lot of things at Stake. Gamblers put everything at Stake.

What you need to kill some vampires?

A wooden stake (to puncture through the heart), vervain, sun. Lol