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why through science humans have changed the earth both for the better or for the worst?

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Q: Through science humans have changed the world both for the better and for the worst?
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What is the effect of science and technology in science?

It makes a better future for humans.

How have humans changed Yellowstone park for the better or worse?

Taj mahal'd bro

Does science say that god do exist?

No, science believes the Big Bang created the universe. Science believes that humans evolved from apes through the theory of natural selection.

How have shaped landscape of Asia?

Humans and nature have both shaped the landscape of Asia. Humans have changed the landscape by adding cities and routing rivers and creating dams. Nature has changed the landscape through earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods.

List two ways that humans have changed through time?

Over time humans have changed culturally, religiously, and socially. Human are more passionate about technology than the people who lived some 1500 years ago.

What are the advantages and disadvantagesof science and technology?

Advantages of science are that it has made the way and standard of living better. We cannot make-out any disadvantages of science unless it is brought into any carelessness or mishandling by mankind (humans)

How did science create humans?

Science didn't create humans. So far, all science has tried to do is to come up with a non-religious explanation as to where humans came from.

How have humans changed?

humans have changed because they used to be hobbits which are half human half hobbit

How is technology defined?

Technology is the application of the knowledge obtained through science by which humans influence their environment through the development and use of tools and to improve their standard of living.

How science affects our life?

Without science and technology human would still be living in the stone age. Science, the logical thinking made humans develop technology that has shaped human evolution. Humans have used science and technology to make life better, faster, safer and far more comfortable. Every day we progress more and more.

What kind of science is life science?

life science is science about different organisms and humans.

How many ways science is helpful to humans?

Humans depend entirely on science and research. Science revolves around every move of humans. So, we can't guess in how many ways it is helpful.