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Q: Ticks feed on the blood of mice in a symbiotic relationship called?
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What is the symbiotic relationship between ticks and dogs?

NOT a symbiotic relation. It is a parasitic relation. In symbiosis, each thing gives some benefit to the other. A tick provides no benefit to the dog, it just drinks their blood. It gives them nothing but disease.

What is the symbiotic relationship between a flea and moose?

It would never be a symbiotic relationship... the relationship would be parasitic (the flea benefiting from the blood and the moose being harmed from the taking of its blood). - Actually parasitism is a type of symbiotic relationship. any close relationship between two organisms is a symbiotic relationship no matter the conditions of said relationship

What is the musk ox's symbiotic relationship?

The musk ox has a symbiotic relationship with a tick that drinks its blood. It is a parasitic relationship, because the ox loses blood while the tick gains a source of nutrients.

Fleas and dogs are in a symbiotic relationship called?

It's not a symbiotic relationship ! It's a parasitical relationship. In a symbiotic relationship - BOTH organisms benefit form each other. In a parasitical relationship - only ONE of the organisms benefits - usually to the detriment of the other. Fleas suck blood from dogs - which can make the dog ill. The dog gets no benefit.

What type of of relation is fleas living on a dog feed on the dog's blood?

The flea is a parasite on the dog. So are ticks and mosquitoes. Parasites have a symbiotic relationship with their hosts, but only the parasite benefits. They get a meal but the dog can be harmed by the bite.

What is the symbiotic relationship mosquitoes and people?

It's not a symbiotic relationship0 - it's parasitic. The mosquito bites people to drink their blood !

What is the symbiotic relationship between a dog and a flea?


What symbiotic relationship does flukes and elks have?

A parasitic relationship. The fluke (if it is a blood fluke) takes needed nutrients from the elk's blood, which can harm the elk.

What is the symbiotic relationship between a shark and a fish?

The symbiotic relation is commensalism. Their relation is through the symbiotic relationship. The symbiotic relation is commensalism. Their relation is through the symbiotic relationship. The symbiotic relation is commensalism. Their relation is through the symbiotic relationship. The symbiotic relation is commensalism. Their relation is through the symbiotic relationship.

What is the symbiotic relationship between leeches and monkeys?

The leeches suck out the monkeys blood. Does anyone have a better answer?

What is the symbiotic relationship between vampire bat and cow?

The symbiotic relationship between a vampire bat and a cow is considered to be parasitic. It was said that vampire bats would get into barns to bite and feed from the blood of cows for sustinance.

What is the relationships between the dog and the tick?

NOT a symbiotic relation. It is a parasitic relation. In symbiosis, each thing gives some benefit to the other. A tick provides no benefit to the dog, it just drinks their blood. It gives them nothing but disease.