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The question implies that time can somehow cease to exist. However time can not be destroyed or 'uncreated', since time is neither matter nor energy - both of which, some theorize, can be crushed into the singularity of a Black Hole.

AnswerA Black Hole can swallow up time in the sense that the passage of time for the space and matter trapped within the event horizon would also be effected and trapped. Time could appear to stop or very nearly stop inside a black hole.

So a perceived swallowing of time might be appropriate depending on ones accepted definitions and position on the properties of time.

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12y ago
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1w ago

Black holes have such strong gravitational pull that even light cannot escape from their grasp, which is why they appear black. This phenomenon is known as the event horizon. Additionally, time near a black hole can be severely distorted due to the extreme gravitational forces.

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8y ago

The gravity of a black hole pulls in light but not time. Time around a black hole is, however, highly distorted. Time goes slower closer to a black hole and, from an outside perspective, comes to a stop at the event horizon.

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16y ago

A dark hole can suck in anything including light. Time is what makes anything exist. Dark holes can't suck in time, but concluding from Einstein it can bend time.

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If you enter a black hole, no matter what the speed, you will be sucked into the center of the black hole, and utterly destroyed.

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you dont light gets sucked into a black hole. Light!!!! so you have no chance. Additionally being exposed to spac would make you explode

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When you are sucked into a black hole you'll get destroyed. The matter of your body will remain in the black hole.

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black holes are a very complected mechanisms. Beyond the hole lies the centeral horizon point here is when the space forced in the black hole is draggedback to volcities the same as the speed of light which is 168282.4 miles per second when space gets sucked in at the start it gets sucked in faster than the speed of light.

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No, if it had been sucked into a black hole, it wouldn't still be there shining in the night sky.

Can a moon get sucked into a black hole?

yes... it can because a black hole can even suck light in :) lol hope it helped.................................. c it can suck in nearley everything

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