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Q: Tincture of silver used in heraldry?
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In heraldry what does argent silver represent?

Heraldry, which is the profession of emblazoning coat of arms, uses argent, a tincture of silver, as the color white. Because of its rarity, argent silver was often used in various patterns by the British Royalty to differentiate between the different ranks and regions.

What is the meaning of the word argent?

It is an archaic or poetic word for silver, used in heraldry

What is the definition of Azure?

adjective 1. of or having a light, purplish shade of blue, like that of a clear and unclouded sky. 2. Heraldry. of the tincture or color blue. -noun 3. the blue of a clear or unclouded sky. 4. a light, purplish blue. 5. Heraldry. the tincture or color blue. 6. the clear, cloudless sky.

What is heraldry?

Heraldry is tracing a noble family line and having an emblem that was used for flags and armor.

Argent is another name for what?

Tincture of silver, and it's also the name of a rock band.

What is tincture of green soap used for?

My family used it for insect bites.

What is tincture of iodine used for?

Please see the link.

Why tincture of iodine does not use for sterilization?

I am not confident that I understand this question. Tincture of iodine can be used to sterilise drinking water. Please see the link.

What part of speech is tincture?

The word tincture is a noun. (A pigment which dyes/an added colour) It can also be used as a verb. (to stain something with colour)

What is tincture of iodine and what is it used for?

Tincture of iodine is about 5% iodine, potassium iodide, and sodium iodide in ethanol and water. It's a topical antiseptic and disinfectant.

How did heraldry end?

Heraldry is alive and well.

What is the language of Heraldry?

Symbolism is the language of heraldry.