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Q: To assemble for an official meeting?
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You have the right to assemble as a group for conducting a meeting but you also have the responsibility to what?

hold a peaceful meeting

If you have the right to assemble as a group for conducting a meeting but you also have the responsibility to?

to hold a peaceful meeting

Where was the second official GPRO meeting?

Where was held the second official GPRO meeting

What right in the Bill of Rights are people using at the town meeting?

The right to assemble.

Where was the second GPRO meeting?

Where was held the second official GPRO meeting

What is a synonym for meeting?

introduction, presentation, encounter, confrontation, date, gathering, assemble, conference, convetion, gettogethor

What are agendas?

The official work plan for a committee meeting.

What dose accreditation mean?

to give official recognition to. To certify or guarantee as to meeting official standards

In April of 1521 a meeting of representatives of his empire was called by the Emperor Charles V They were to assemble in the German town of?

The German town of Worms. ( this is not the answer ))

What is annual general meeting?

An annual general meeting is a meeting of the members of official bodies, associations, or companies, held once a year to discuss previous and future activities.

What does caucas mean?

Voters assemble in a closed meeting with members of a political party, (ie; Democrat or Republican) to declare your nominee for the presidential election.

What is a notice of meeting?

A notice of meeting is an official requirement of many organisations. It is a public notice that an important meeting is happening soon, and must be circulated well before the set date of the meeting (usually 5 to 7 days).