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Physical therapists need a master's degree from an accredited physical therapy program and a State license, requiring passing scores on national and State examinations. Education and training. According to the American Physical Therapy Association, there were 209 accredited physical therapist education programs in 2007. Of the accredited programs, 43 offered master's degrees and 166 offered doctoral degrees. Only master's degree and doctoral degree programs are accredited, in accordance with the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education. In the future, a doctoral degree might be the required entry-level degree. Master's degree programs typically last 2 years, and doctoral degree programs last 3 years. Physical therapist education programs start with basic science courses such as Biology, chemistry, and physics and then introduce specialized courses, including biomechanics, neuroanatomy, human growth and development, manifestations of disease, examination techniques, and therapeutic procedures. Besides getting classroom and laboratory instruction, students receive supervised clinical experience. Among the undergraduate courses that are useful when one applies to a physical therapist education program are anatomy, biology, chemistry, social science, mathematics, and physics. Before granting admission, many programs require volunteer experience in the physical therapy department of a hospital or clinic. For high school students, volunteering with the school athletic trainer is a good way to gain experience. Licensure. All States require physical therapists to pass national and State licensure exams before they can practice. They must also graduate from an accredited physical therapist education program. Other qualifications. Physical therapists should have strong interpersonal skills so that they can educate patients about their physical therapy treatments and communicate with patients' families. Physical therapists also should be compassionate and possess a desire to help patients. Advancement.Physical therapists are expected to continue their professional development by participating in continuing education courses and workshops. In fact, a number of States require continuing education as a condition of maintaining licensure. For the source and more detailed information concerning this subject, click on the related links section (U.S. Department of Labor) indicated below.

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Q: To be a physical therapist in Texas what should you get your bachelor's degree in?
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It depends on which level you are referring to (physical therapy assistant or physical therapist). The general education courses required for a physical therapy assistant should be usable. However, the minimum educational requirement for a physical therapist at present is a master's degree in physical therapy, and that may soon change to a doctorate for entry level. This means you must complete a bachelor's degree with all prerequisite coursework satisfied.

Are any classes transferable to physical therapy from an education degree?

It depends on which level you are referring to (physical therapy assistant or physical therapist). The general education courses required for a physical therapy assistant should be usable. However, the minimum educational requirement for a physical therapist at present is a master's degree in physical therapy, and that may soon change to a doctorate for entry level. This means you must complete a bachelor's degree with all prerequisite coursework satisfied.

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Can you obtain a master's degree without getting a bachelor's degree?

Of course you can.There are so many universities,among which don't need a bachelors honours degree.But at the very least,you should remember that a bachelors honous degree must be superior to so-called just a bachelor's degree..

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no research what college will accept the degree and get a master's if possible. if not, go to a college that will accept your college credits.

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Your physical therapist should have good education as well as a significant amount of experience. You should also find other patients comments or reviews.

Can a Physical Therapist Online Degree Pay Off?

Online degrees have taken hold in a big way for today’s prospective education consumers, and it makes sense, because these degrees provide significant value over many of the other options on the market. But what should we make of a physical therapist online degree? Is this the type of thing that a person can put to good use when they get out into the working world? What a person does with his or her degree is usually dependent upon work ethic and other factors, but it is important to note that physical therapist online degree programs do given students a foundation to move forward with their career. Is a physical therapist online degree a good idea in the current economy? This is a big question that many are asking, as they are taking better care of their dollars and not throwing them away on poor educational choices. Understand that this is one of the fields that has not been killed by the down economy, which means that you should still be able to find a number of excellent opportunities if you get the right education. A physical therapist online degree program will give you all of the technical knowledge that is necessary for stepping in and being successful. Those people who are successful in that field have an advanced working knowledge of the physical mechanics. This is what an online degree will teach. You should know about the level of respect that online degree holders are receiving today. Understand that a physical therapist online degree will be enough to get you in the door. Today’s employers understand that people are busy and they need to sometimes get their work done online. Many employers respect those people who can take the extra time out from their busy lives to get a degree, especially if they do it while working. This all combines to mean that a physical therapist online degree can play especially well in today’s job market. If you are looking for a way to make money, while doing something incredibly rewarding, this is your best bet.

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At least a bachelor's degree in zoology from a university.

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After high school (if you start college right away) it should take about 4 years to become a physical therapist.

Should I get a Masters in Business Administration even though I have a Bachelors degree in BA?

If u think that ur bachelors is not enough and u have the money and time, why not.

What should the therapist always do after working with the feet?

After working with the feet the therapist should always wash their hands. It depends on what you are seeing the therapist for in the first place as to what to do for you after they work on your feet. This is most likely referring to a physical therapist in which you have physical therapy. If you aren't sure that you're getting the right treatment, talk to your doctor who referred you to therapy.