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Q: To bring goods into the country illegally?
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Related questions

Who brings thing into the country illegally?

Smugglers bring things into the country illegally.

What is the name given to a person who illegally brings goods in the country?

not sure

If you brought goods into the country illegally and you were caught what would you be charged with?

fine and go to jail

What word describes goods that are brought into a country illegally?

Smuggled and contraband are two words that are related to bringing something into a country illegally.

Write the difference between export and import?

Export is to send goods out of the country. Import is to bring goods into the country.

What is importing and exporting goods illegally called?

Smuggling is the name given to importing and exporting goods illegally.

If you bought goods into the country illegally what would you be charged with?

I do not know sorry but school sucks P.S from Clare and Kiarna


To bring goods from another country for sale or use

What is the meaning of importing?

of Import

This term means to bring goods into a country to be traded or sold?


This term means to bring goods into a country to be traded or sold.?


What is good for a country Export or Import?

Both importing and exporting are good for a country and the economy. Importing bring (goods or services) into a country from abroad for sale. Exporting refers to selling goods and services produced in the home country to other markets. Both bring income to the country.