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Have some beliefs and values in common.

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Q: To develop a sense of nationalism a group of people must have what?
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What do you think is a benefit of nationalism?

Nationalism brings people with common interests such as religion, language, culture, and other interests together.It creates a sense of belonging to a group.

What is the significance of England's defeats of the spanish armada?

It brought a sense of nationalism to England and its people.

How did nationalism lead to the breakup of Austro- Hungarian?

nationalism broke up the Austrio-hugarian empire, because people began wanting an heritage,a sense of identity

What is the feeling of loyalty to a specific territory whose inhabitants shared a common language and culture?

That feeling is called nationalism. It involves a strong sense of identification and loyalty to a specific territory based on shared language, culture, and history. Nationalism can promote unity and cohesion among a group of people, but it can also lead to conflicts with others who may not share the same characteristics.

How did nationalism lead to the breakup of the austro-hungarian empire?

i need the answer for this for my essay! me too!

England victory over the spanish armada gave it?

dominance of the Atlantic ocean and a vibrant sense of nationalism.

What is the sense of pride in one's country?

Patriotism. Nationalism is a sense of pride in one's country.

The process by which people learn the characteristics of their group is called?

The process by which people learn the characteristics of their group is called socialization. It involves acquiring the beliefs, values, norms, and behaviors of one's culture or social group through interactions with others. Socialization helps individuals develop a sense of identity and belonging within their community.

How was napoleons domination a factor of spreading nationalism outside of France?

It inspired the dominated nations to build their own sense of nationalism.

What values in the American character seemed to be portrayed by contemporary makers at the time of the Mexican war?

A sense of nationalism, manifest destiny, expansion of democracy

Which should comes first the nation or nationalism?

Normally nationalism comes first, then the nation. Where the nation exists first, (e.g Belgium) any sense of nationalism is less strong.

Why did nationalism develop when James Monroe became president?

Nationalism developed during James Monroe's presidency due to several factors. Firstly, the end of the War of 1812 and the subsequent Era of Good Feelings created a sense of unity and pride among Americans. Additionally, the Monroe Doctrine, which asserted America's dominance in the Western Hemisphere, reinforced nationalistic sentiments. Lastly, economic growth and westward expansion contributed to a growing sense of American identity and patriotism.