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Its usually one to three cubs at the most.

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Q: To how many bears does a polar bear give birth?
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Related questions

Does the polar bear lay eggs or give birth to live babies?

Polar bears are mammals and give live birth.

Does the mother polar bear lay eggs?

Nope... polar bears are mammals - they give birth to live young.

Do polar bears lay eggs or give birth to live young?

polar bears have there young like us humans on earth and there called cubs when there babes

How is a polar bear born with an egg or from a mom?

Polar Bears are mammals, and give live birth to usually one or two cubs.

Why do polar bears give birth to live young?

Polar bears, like all bears, give birth to live Young.yes.

Do they hatch the baby polar bear?

Polar bears, like all other placental mammals, give birth to live young and do not lay eggs. Therefor, polar bears do not hatch out of eggs.

How does a polar bear reproduce internal or external?

Polar bears mate and carry out a pregnancy. A mother will usually give birth to two cubs at a time.

What is the polar bear's incubation period?

Polar bears do not have an "incubation" period. That is for animals that lay eggs, not give birth to live young. A polar bear as a gestation period, which is around 8 months or 240 days long.

Do polar bears have live babies or lay eggs?

Polar bears give live birth.

What are bear babies called?

A baby polar bear is known as a polar bear cub. Usually a female polar bear will become pregnant in April or May and will give birth in Novemeber or December. The female polar bear will usually give birth to 1-3 cubs at a time and they can weigh up to a pound and a half at birth.

Do polar bears give birth or lay eggs?

Bears give birth to baby 'cubs' usually 1, 2 or 3 cubs to a litter.

Do polar bears give live birth or not live birth?

Yes, they do give live birth