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Neither acid, because of the common ion effect.

By adding H2SO4 and/or H3PO4 to CH3COOH )Vinegar) you are just increasing the 'H^(+)' ions; the common ion.

To neutralise vinegar sol'n use sodium carbonate (Soda Crystals/Washing Soda).

Remember Acids react with Carbonates to form the salt , water, and carbon dioxide.

Here is the BALANCED reaction eq'n

2CH3COOH + Ns2CO3 = 2[CH3COO=Na+] + H2O + CO2

Here is the UNbalamced reaction between vinegar and sulphuric acid

H2SO4 + CH3COOH = = 3H^(+) + SO4^)2-) + CH3COO^- No neutral salt or water. )FOES NOT WORK) .

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No, it is impossible to neutralize vinegar (ie. acetic acid in it) by ANY kind of other acid.

To neutralise one should use the opposite of an acid: alkaline solution

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Potassium Hydroxide(KOH) is a base (it is "basic"). An acid will neutralize a base. Acetic acid can be used to neutralize KOH. Baking soda is a base, so it will not work to neutralize KOH.

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Examples: vinegar (acetic acid solution), sodium hydroxide, hydrchloric acid solution, phosphoric acid, citric acid, lactic acid, etc.

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No. Vinegar is a solution of acetic acid dissolved in water. The acidity in acid rain is due mostly to sulfuric and nitric acids. In some cases, though, the acidity of acid rain is similar to that of vinegar.

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