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Passengers in a vessel should go to their rooms when a severe storm is encountered. They can also go to a ship's stern.

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Q: To prepare your passengers for severe weather where should they be seated in the vessel?
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Where should passengers be seated in vessel to prepare for severe weather?

equally spaced along both sides

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What is the appropriate response when the national weather services issues a severe weather watch?

Begin to prepare

You are caught in severe weather while boating. Where should you seat you passengers?

on the floor close to the centerline

You are caught in severe weather while boating. Where should you seat your passengers?

on the floor close to the centerline

Why do you have to prepare for any type of weather?

so that you could be safe for any kind of uncoming weather like a tornado for example if u have a tornado coming you have to get in a a safe area or underground or in a safe spot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-) :-)

How do people prepare for a waterspout?

find a dolphin and ride out of the severe weather and go to mcdonalds and get a chocolate shake and eat a nugget and your safe

How do weather forecast help local authority?

Weather forecasts (especially long-range ones) help local authorities prepare for severe weather. For example, forecasting a severe winter months in advance, will give local authorities time to order in extra supplies of grit for icy roads.

What is the difference between a severe weather watch and a severe weather warning?

A watch means that they think you might have severe weather, while a warning means you have severe weather, so get down!

What is the weather when it is severe?

bad weather

What are some severe weather type in Sweden?

Blizzards and thunderstorms are some of the severe weather type in Sweden. The hurricanes and the tornadoes are the other severe weather types in Sweden.

What are the severe weather types?

tornadoes and severe thunderstorms