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Q: To scatter a beam of radiation a particle must be smaller in size than the wavelength of the radiation involved?
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Matter mAs kVp

Why does blue light scatter more than red light?

blue light has shorter wavelength than the red light.scattering of light is more when wavelength is small.

What is the difference in Umbra and Penumbra in Xrays?

Penumbra is the excess fog from scatter radiation

What is Scatter radiation known as?

it is known as when you eat a girls slit outand jiz everywhere and get horny

What can happen when radiation strikes an object?

It can reflect, absorb or scatter off the object.

What types of ionizing radiation produce the least amount of scatter radiation?

All of the ones on the list provided with the question have pretty much the same characteristics.

How is particle size measured?

Particles are measured according to the way that they scatter when coming into contact with a laser. The size can only be determined according to the height, length and breadth of each particle.

Can you wear jewelry during radiation?

No, metal and jewelry are not good to wear during radiation treatments or x-rays. It will scatter the beam and cause damage in undesired areas.

Why do the waves with shorter wavelengths scatter more than those with long wavelength?

Because they use less energy then longer wavelengths hence they can go farther

How do aerosol particles affect insolation?

They scatter sunlight, reducing the amount that reaches the surface as direct radiation (increasing the amount that reaches as diffuse).

Who used polonium and gold foil in his famous experiment?

Rutherford supervised the experiment in his famous beta particle scatter experiment with gold foil, so he is given credit.