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To George W. Bush, since Henry is manipulated into war with France by the Archbishop of Canterbury in order to distract him from a proposed bill in Parliament which would taske away half of the church's revenues. Similarly, Bush was encouraged in his war plans by his Vice-President Cheney who hoped to, and did, profit immensely from the war effort.

There are of course, many differences. Henry declared war on a state, France, which can surrender and end the war; Bush declared war on a method of waging war, terrorism, which can never surrender, and therefore the war can never end. Henry personally led his troops into battle; Bush did not. Henry at Agincourt was faced with a superior military force; Bush never challenged any force that was not far inferior to his.

Henry had at least an arguable claim to be entitled to govern the country he invaded; Bush did not. Henry ended his campaign by leaving the former government in place; Bush had the previous government of Iraq killed. Henry concluded a peace with France, sealed with a marriage, so there would be no further drain on his treasury; Bush bequeathed his war to his successor. However, the successors to both were cursed by the legacy of the wars of their predecessors.

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13y ago

Actually no President ever led troops into battle when he was President, although many of them did before they were elected. Perhaps Teddy Roosevelt comes closest in character to Henry--a bit of a wild man, and San Juan Hill might have been his Agincourt.

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george w bush

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Q: To what American president can Shakespeare's Henry v development can be compared to?
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What if your reading material compares the development of Shakespeares Henry V to which American president?

Because Henry V tells the story of the aforementioned king and his conquest into France, the play can be compared to a number of U.S. presidents that went to war with a neighboring nation. One such president could be James K. Polk, who waged war with Mexico during his presidency, which as from 1845 to 1859.

Who is William Shakespeare compared to?

He is often compared to the poet John Donne

Why did people believe in fairies during Shakespeare's time?

People believe in all kinds of things because that is what everyone thinks at the time. If everyone around you believes it, you will have a tendency to believe it as well. An extraordinary percentage of Americans believe that their own President is a Muslim when he manifestly is not. Compared to that, believing in fairies is a cinch.

Did people speak in the way they did in shakespeares plays?

Just actors. Most of Shakespeare's plays are in verse--they have a rigid rhythm to them. Some of the lines even rhyme. None of this is the way people really talked. Sometimes Shakespeare's characters speak in prose, without a set rhythm, which is closer to natural speech. Yet even so, when Shakespeare's lines are compared with those of some of his contemporaries, who tried harder to imitate the way people really talked, the difference is clear. Shakespeare's characters are much easier to understand for us because he does not use slang idioms.

Juliet was compared to what stellar object?

the sun

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