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Q: To what religion was the dome of the rock an important shrine?
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What is the Dome of Rock important?

The Dome of the Rock is a shrine to the place where Mohammed ascended to heaven and consulted with the previous Prophets of Islam.

What kind of rock is the dome of the rock?

The Dome of the Rock is not really a rock, but a shrine in Jerusalem, Israel.

Where is the shrine of the dome of the rock located?

The Dome of the Rock is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The Shrine of the Dome of the Rock is located in .?

The Dome of the Rock is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Where is the shrine of the dome of the rock located in?

The Dome of the Rock is located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

The shrine where the prophet muhammed rose into heaven?

the dome of the rock. its a Muslim shrine in Jerusalem

What structure occupies the Temple Mount in Jerusalem today?

An Islamic shrine, the Dome of the Rock.

Why is the Dome of Rock so significant to the Israelis?

The Shrine of the Dome of the Rock is itself unimportant to Israelis. However, the Shrine sits above the Temple of Mount, which is considered the holiest place in the world for Jews, who make up about 75% of the Israeli population.

What city is the Dome of the Rock in?

The dome of the Rock is situated in Jerusalem, a city sacred to the Jews, the Christians and the Muslims.

What is the dome of the rock and what Muslim legends are assoceiated with it?

The Dome of the Rock is a Muslim Shrine that was built on the Temple Mont, That is now ruled by the Jews... It has legends that the Shrine once fell on a Muslim ruler and had to be rebuilt in 1492, the year Columbus sailed the Ocean Blue.

What Muslim holy sites are found in Jerusalem?

The Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock Shrine.

What are the dimensions of the Dome of the Rock?

The diameter of the dome of the shrine is 20m 20 cm and its height 20m 48 cm,