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For nearly five decades after the end of World War II, East and West Germany existed as separate nations. Reunited in 1990, the once-separate states are now known as the "Bundesrepublik Deutschland"; in English, the Federal Republic of Germany.

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Q: Today East and West Germany are known as?
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By what name are the countryies of east and West Germany known today?

The countries of East and West Germany are now known as Germany. The reunification of East and West Germany occurred in 1990 after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

By what name is west and East Germany known today?

Germany or Deutscheland in German

What are the names of east and west Germany known today.?

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What name are the countries of east and West Germany known today?

The countries of East and West Germany are now known as Germany. They were reunified on October 3, 1990, after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

By what name are the combined countries of the former East and West Germany known today?

Germany. Or complete: Federal Republic of Germany

By what name are the countries of east and West Germany known as today?

Um... Deutschland ( Germany). They were unified after the fall of the Soviet Union

By what names are the countries of east and West Germany known today?

East Germany is now known as Germany, and West Germany is known simply as Germany. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany in 1990, the country became unified under one government.

What is east and West Germany known as?

west: Federal Republic of Germany east: German Democratic Republic

What are east and West Germany know as today?

Bundesrepublik Deutschland / Federal Republic of Germany

Is Poland East or West of Germany?

Germany is west of Poland.

What is the borders of east and West Germany?

There is no more East and West Germany. Just Germany now

What happened to East and West Germany after the Berlin Wall fell?

East Germany joined West Germany as one country.