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Q: Today more Jews live in than any other nation.?
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Where do more Jews live today than in any other nation?

It's hard to say whether the US or Israel has the largest population. Israel now (January 2013) has six million Jews.

How many Jews live in the US today?

As of 2011, there are about six million Jews in the U.S.

What people are Hebrews?

Hebrews are actually called Jews today. They originated from Western Asia, but today Jews live all over the world.

Does Egypt practice Judaism?

Egypt is a Muslim nation. Very few Jews live there.

Most southwest Asian Jews live in which nation?

I am pretty sure its Iran or Israel

What modern day country do the hebrews live today?

Today, Jews live in most of the countries of the world. The majority live in Israel and the United States.

Do Arabs or Jews live in Egypt?

The overwhelming majority of Egypt is Arab. There used to be a small minority of Jews in Egypt, but they are basically gone now. Most Egyptian Jews live in Israel today.

Where do most Jewish people live in Europe?

Today, the majority of European Jews live in France and England.

Were are the hebrews?

Today they are called Jews, and the majority live in Israel and North America. But there are (or have been) Jews in almost every country on Earth.

What era did the Hebrews live in?

We originated around 2000 BCE and we are still around today. The majority of us live in North America and Israel. Today we are called Jews.

Where does most of the Jews live today?

The highest population of Jews Per Capita is in Israel, but still the country with the most Jewish people is the US.

What happened to Jews?

Jews live around the world in various nations, especially Israel. They don't live in every country, but, they live in most of them. We're still here. There are about 14 million Jewish people in the world today.