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The rats employed mental mapping, and they were able to run the maze quickly.

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Q: Tolman's rats learned to run the maze simply by hanging out in it They received no rewards for learning the maze When they were able to run the maze just as fast or faster than rats that were tra?
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What is the meaning of learned?

of Learn, Of or pertaining to learning; possessing, or characterized by, learning, esp. scholastic learning; erudite; well-informed; as, a learned scholar, writer, or lawyer; a learned book; a learned theory.

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What is a A learned behavior?

A learned behavior in not instinctive but must be taught or acquired through learning.

Is the word learned an adjective?

Yes, it can be, in two distinct forms: meaning something learned or someone with learning (pronounced learn-ed). Learned behavior in animals is different from instinctive behavior. The professor was a learned individual, and not prone to superstitious beliefs. *Learned is the past participle of "to learn" and the other participle, "learning" may likewise be used as an adjunct or adjective, e.g. learning disabilities.

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yes it is,

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The past participle of learning is learned. The past participle of understanding is understood.

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