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I go to a small school where there are 2 guys to every girl and its a closed formal. I was wondering how early was too early to ask someone prom. Is say like 4 months too early?

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Q: Too early to ask someone to Prom?
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When is the right time to ask someone to prom. It's in May but I already know who I want to ask. How early is too early?

the best time usually to ask someone to the prom is, when your alone with that person, when the person your asking is in a good mood, and when you know that person likes or wants to go with you too, and is not planning on asking someone els, P.S DONT have your friend do it for you , and Dont ask through a note, the answer is usually a no if you do that, ask him/her face to face in a private place. (; good luck

How do you get a date to the prom?

Ask someone to go with you. or Prom Date Depot -

When is it too late to ask someone to the prom?

You need to give someone a week or so. They will need to shop for clothing and make other arrangements.

Can you ask someone in the year below you to prom?


What is a cool way to ask a girl to prom?

the way i would ask someone to prom would be just send them a note or get their digits

How can you drop hints to make him ask you to your prom ..Not His... through text?

Say to him subtly: "Were you going to ask me to prom or should I find someone else?"

How do you ask someone to the prom?

First get yourself into a conversation with the person that you want to take then say... Will you go to prom with me?

When is there a prom on ourworld?

you can make them yourself or you can ask someone anywhereon our world i made a prom once at my garden and once at my condo

What are some cute ways to ask someone to prom?

bring her some roses with the tickets in a envelope and then you ask her if she would like to go to the prom with you in a sweet and not jerk voice.

What is an awesome way to ask a girl to the prom?

hiya can i take u to the prom please if u havent got someone else :)

Is it too early to ask a new friend of mine who has been chatting and mesaging me dailly for the last week they're romanticalyy involved with someone else?

No! It's not too early to ask them when you first meet them.

Is this a good way to ask someone to prom?

not really you should do it face to face or by email