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ok. fisrs of all. you brush you teeth to remeove plaque not plague. so brushing you teeth helps remove plaque it does nothing for the plague.

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Q: Tooth paste is basic You use toothpaste for brushing to remove plague and bacteria in your teeth and gums What is the effect of the tooth paste in plague forming bacteria?
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Does brushing reduse dental carries?

yes,, Brushing your teeth is a necessary part of preventing tooth decay. Adults should brush at least twice each day - in the morning and at night before bed. Children should also brush regularly, preferably in the morning and before bed, as well as between meals. Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste helps prevent tooth decay and keeps your teeth looking nice, specially that tooth decay occurs when harmful bacteria build up on the teeth and form layers of plaque, which in turn attacks the enamel on the teeth soo when u brush u reduce the effect of the bacteria.

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What happens to your teeth if you do brush them?

Brushing and flossing remove plaque that lead to tooth decay and gum irritations. Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste also helps protect your teech from decay and can keep them from discoloring. Why? Plaque is a film of biological organism made up almost completely of bacteria, including Streptococcus. This film of bacteria slowly starts to build layers on your teeth creating acid that causes decay and gum irritations unless removed. The buildup of plaque on your teeth can also have a visible effect on your smile because the buildup of plaque hardens into tartar. Tartar can be dyed bywhat we eat and drink as well as by habits like smoking. This results in yellowing or even brown teeth.

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a toothpaste should have no effect on any diet, as long as you don't swallow it. -lance

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No it will not because bacteria can grow with or with pou smoke.

Would bacillus coagulant interact with Warfarin anticoagulant?

I think you may be referring to Bacillus coagulans, which is a spore forming, gram positive bacterium. I don't believe Warfarin will have much an effect on the bacteria but it is possible. Warfarin was used as a pesticide, mainly for rats though. I believe that it may not have an effect on bacteria, mainly because its structure is designed to inhibit the enzyme Vitamin K epoxide reductase. Vitamin K epoxide reductase would most likely not be found in bacteria.