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F0 tornadoes generally cause little to no damage. If there is no damage, it is very difficult to verify unless a reliable witness saw the tornado on the ground. When damage occurs in an unpopulated area, it is often limited to vegetation, and a few downed trees in the middle of nowhere are probably not going to attract any attention. Many of these tornadoes are too weak to be detected by radar.

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Q: Tornadoes classified as F0 may never be noticed this is especially so in area where there are no people why do you think this?
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What does conspicius mean?

I think you mean, what is conspicuous. It means visible, to be seen and noticed, probably by people you don't want to notice you. If you don't want to be seen or conspicuous, be quiet, hide, don't wear clothes or play loud music that makes people notice you. Don't shout in public or break the law. Criminals don't want to be conspicuous or noticed, especially by the police.

What do tornadoes start as?

Tornadoes start as a funnel cloud, becoming a tornado when they reach the ground.

How can the work of scientists who want to get close to tornadoes help people who want to take shelter from tornadoes?

The idea is that studying tornadoes, which sometimes means getting close to them, allows us to better understand them. A better understanding of tornadoes may help us predict them, which would mean better warnings for people who might be in the path of a tornado.

Can areas that have little or no record of tornadoes still have tornadoes?

Yes. In some cases the absence of tornado records is due to a lack of documentation rather than a lack of tornadoes. In other cases an area may experience tornadoes so infrequently that none have occurred since before people were around to document them. If a place has little record of tornadoes, that still means tornadoes have been recorded in that area.

How do farmers prevent tornadoes from happening?

They don't. Farmers get hit by tornadoes just like other people do. It's just not heard of as much because a tornado hitting a farm is less likely to make big news than one hitting a town. There is no way that people can prevent tornadoes.

Related questions

When should people be particularly concerned about Tornadoes?

yes you need to watch out for tornadoes especially when they are formed from a dark cloud. they are not trustworthy!!

Why do scientists classify tornadoes as one of the violent events?

Tornadoes are classified as violent because they have very powerful winds capable of damaging or destroying man-made structures. Many of the stronger tornadoes will kill and injure people.

What are some safety concerns for tornadoes?

Tornadoes pose a direct threat to people's lives. Most people who die in tornadoes are killed by debris. People may be caught off guard, especially if the tornado is hidden by heavy rain or the dark of night.

Do waterspouts kill people?

Yes, they can. If they move on to land they are classified as full-fledged tornadoes. Even if they stay one the water they can capsize boats.

Has anyone survived inside a tornado funnel?

Yes, People have survived inside the funnel of a tornado, especially in weaker tornadoes.

What time of day do tornadoes usually kill people?

Tornadoes can occur and kill any time of day. Most tornadoes though, especially the strong ones that result in the most deaths, occur in the late afternoon or early evening. Tornadoes are more likely to kill after sunset as they are difficult to see.

What city did people die from the tornadoes?

People have died from tornadoes in many cities.

How can people help to prevent tornadoes?

They can't. People cannot prevent tornadoes.

How do tornadoes affect people and their environment?

Tornadoes can damage and destroy people's property, including homes and businesses. In the worst cases whole towns and neighborhoods may be completely destroyed. People may be killed or injured and may suffer significant financial burder from the damage, especially if they are unuinsured or underinsured.

Why do weather forecast watch for tornado activity within thundrstorms?

Tornadoes form during thunderstorms. Of all the weather a thunderstorm can produce a tornado is perhaps the most dangerous. Tornadoes can produce very severe damage to property and can kill or inure people, especially those who are not prepared. Because of this it is important to be able to warn people about potential tornadoes

Did the people make tornadoes?

No. Tornadoes occur naturally.

Are people allowed to kill tigers?

No, not at all, especially now that they are classified as endangered. The only exception is for a proven "man eater".