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when in the course of human events, and especially during sweeps, it becomes necessary for one highly coveted demographic group to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, that means split up, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, Microsoft, Disney, and AOL-Time Warner, the separate and equal Station (Prestige) to which the Laws of Nature's (Nurture's) God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions and Poll Results of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes, and other complaints, in writing, and which impel them to the Separation, if not the final Divorce. Bottom line: it's time for a Change.

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All people have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Men created government to secure those rights. The government gets its power from the people. When a government goes against people's life liberty and pursuit of happiness, the people have the right to start a new one.

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Q: Translate first paragraph of declaration of independence in todays modern English?
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Certainly, you can.

What is the language of the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence was written entirely in English.

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the Declaration of Independence the declaration of independence was written by the colonist to outline the reasons why they were unhappy with English policies

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The Declaration of Independence

How do you translate English paragraph into kannada?

nennu Nina appanige yestanevalu

Will someone translate my paragraph from English into french?

No, WikiAnsers does not do that. Try using Google Translate, I will make a link for you below.

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The signers of the Declaration of Independence all spoke English as their first language.

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The Declaration of Independence was an importment statement because it was set our freedom from the English.

How do you translate a roman urdu paragraph in English?

You would need to post the paragraph as a question on this site, and a translator can answer you. If the paragraph is too long, you will need to find an offline translator.

What was the purpose of getting the declaration of independence signed?

Signing the Declaration of Independence was a show of agreement that congress was declaring independence from the English crown. If it hadn't been signed it wouldn't have meant anything.

Is there a website where you can type a paragraph in English and it gets translated into french?

yes it is called google translate

The declaration of independence listed ways the English government had what?

abused power.