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ya lo tienes is a Spanish word which can be translated to already have.

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Q: Translate ya lo tienes
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ya lo tienes frustrado xk te pasa can be translated into xk already have frustrated you.

When was Ngwe Pay Lo Ma Ya created?

Ngwe Pay Lo Ma Ya was created in 1932.

What is hold on in espanol?

To hold on: (Verb) Aguantar, aguardar. (Order) Espera. For example: -As an order, "Hold on, I'll be back" is "Espera, ya vuelvo". -In a hard situation, "All you have to do is hold on" is "Todo lo que tienes que hacer es aguantar".

What does ya veo que tienes novia mean in English?

"I see you have a girlfriend."

How do you write ya in french?

ya if you don't believe me go to google translate

How do you say this in spanish have you get your classes already?

'Have you (get*)/got your classes already' = Ya tienes tus clases *ungrammatical

What does ya lo soy in English mean?

I already am.

How do you say i aready know in Spanish?

Ya lo sé (I already know - that thing, idea, fact, concept) Ya lo conozco (I already know - that person)

What are the words 'ya no' when translated from Spanish to English?

"Ya no" means "not any more." The word "ya" means already, and "no" is, of course, no. When someone says "Ya no," it is literally "Already no." For example: "Do you have any gum?" (Tienes goma de mascar?) could be answered "Ya no."

How do you say ya i know spanish?

Sí. Lo sé.

Can somebody translate these Latin sentences without using Google Translate?

Ya if you give us the phrases

What does 'ya' mean in Colombian Spanish?

The best translation for "ya" in English is "yet" in its more archaic usage. "Ya" can translate to a number of English prepositions (or other expressions) like in the following examples."Ya no he llegado." = "I have not arrived yet.""Mi amigo ya comió la ensalada." = "My friend already ate the salad.""Ya sabes lo que te sigo diciendo." = Now, you know what I keep saying to you.""Anda ya!" = "Move it!" & "Venga ya" = "Come on!""Perdemos tiempo ya." = "We're still losing time.""Ya vendrá." = "He will definitely come."