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Q: Transportation in savanna Africa
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Is there a savanna in Egypt?

No. The savanna is in Africa.

What are the locations of savanna biome?

Africa, Australia, and in some parts of Brazil

What is the African Grasslands?

A place in What_are_African_grasslandswhere it is really grassy.and they are usually called Savanna Grassland or Tropical Savanna!

What is the largest savanna in the world?

The largest savanna in the world is the Serengeti Savanna in Central Africa.

Where are savanna located?

Well, the answer is that Savanna is in Africa, Australia, South America, and Asia.

Describe the topography and vegetation in savanna?

Africa is in africa.

What continent has the largest savanna?

Africa has the largest savanna, with the African Savanna being the most iconic and extensive in the world.

Where in Africa do most people?

The people in Africa live in Savanna

Where in the world is African savanna?

around Africa

Where does lions found?

Africa , savanna

What are African savanna facts?

its in africa

Where do wilderbeest live?

The savanna of Africa.