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Q: Travelling can become addictive
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Can Marijuana psychologically addictive?

Anything can become psychologically addictive.

Is Inhalants addictive?

Any activity that is repeatedly done can become addictive.

Is pseudoephedrine addictive?

Taken in large doses it can become slightly addictive.

At what age can tobacco become the most addictive?

Tobacco can become addictive at any age. So dont try it

Is lip balm addictive?

lip balm can become addictive especially if it is the flavored ones!

Are steroids addictive?

No, they're not physically addictive. They may become habit forming or mentally addictive though.

Can NicoDerm patches used for smoking cessation become addictive?

Yes, nicotine patches such as NicoDerm can become addictive. The patches contain small amounts of nicotine to help combat some symptoms of smoking cessation. However, since nicotine is addictive, the patches themselves can be addictive.

Where cellphone addictive?

Texting on a cellphone can become addicting

Can the Wii be addictive?

You can become addicted to anything you wish.

Can you become physically addicted to marijuana?

Marijuana is not addictive.

Is phentermine addictive?

Yes, phentermine, also known as adipex, can become addictive. You should speak with your doctor about the side effects of phentermine.

Are mushrooms addictive and if so is it physically addictive or psychologically addictive or both addictive?

Mushrooms are no more additive than any other foods.The hallucinogens found in some mushrooms may become psychologically additive to those will little or no will power or self discipline.