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Q: Trees and flowers grow abundantly in a desert?
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Does the desert receive enough precipitation to grow trees and flowers?

Yes, there are many species of wildflowers as well as some trees that are able to live in a desert.

What grow longer trees or flowers?

trees take a longer time ti grow then flowers?

Name two flowers that grow on trees?

Mant different flowers grow on trees but only the X.P. Daisy

What are desert bloomers?

Desert bloomers are flowers that grow in the desert.

Do white trillium flowers grow on trees?

No. They grow under trees.

What are some small trees that grow in the desert?

Cacti, trees, bushes, shrubby plants are some small trees that grow in the desert.

Do hydrangeas grow on trees?

No. They are flowers that grow from seeds.

Where to magnolia flowers grow?

They grow on magnolia trees.

Why do trees not grow in the desert?

Trees do grow in the desert. They are just not as common in deserts as in some other biomes.

Are birch trees poisonous?

No in the wild birch trees are known as foresters weeds because they grow so abundantly from seed.

What trees grow in the desert?


What trees don't got flowers?

A Drakeelm Tree does not grow flowers.