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Q: Trojan prince who kidnapped Helen?
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Who was the Trojan prince who kidnapped Helen of troy?

Paris kidnapped Helen and brought her back to Troy.

Was Paris the name of a Trojan prince?

Prince Paris, was a Trojan Prince, the son of Priam, King of Troy. He eloped with Helen, Queen of Sparta. This was one of the immediate causes of the Trojan war

What does the ship have to do with the Trojan war?

Helen of Troy was kidnapped, and she was said to have a face that launched a thousand ships.

What does a doe have to do with the Trojan war?

Helen of Troy was kidnapped, and she was said to have a face that launched a thousand ships.

Who was kidnapped that caused the Trojan war?

Helen was not kidnapped, she enthusiastically ran off with Paris, and stole her husband's Menelaus' treasures as well to take with her..

Who was goddess Helen?

Helen was the daugher of Zeus and she married Menelaus of Sparta. She got kidnapped by Paris of Troy and this is what caused the Trojan War.

Why was Helen called Helen of Troy?

She was queen of Sparta, but taken to Troy by the Trojan Prince Paris.

Who was the Trojan prince who fell in love with Helen and brought her back to troy?

Paris Prince of Troy

How did the Greeks invade Troy during the Trojan war?

When Helen,Zeus and leda's daughter,married Menelaus the king of Sparta. A Trojan prince Paris kid kidnapped her and Menelaus called a war to get her wife back.... But I forgot if Paris or Menelaus took her back

Who kidnapped Helen in Helen of troy?

Paris was the prince of troy who abducted Helen the queen of Sparta. The story goes that Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera where arguing who was the most beautiful. They asked a mortal man and it was Paris. Aphrodite promised Paris the most beautiful women in the world if he said she was the most beautiful. So he did. And the most beautiful women in the world was Helen.

What country did the Trojan war start?

Greek kidnapped Helen of Troy, Troy attacked Greece. war ensued.

What does A Helen mean in Greek mythology?

A Helen refers to Helen of the Trojan War. Helen was a beautiful woman, the most beautiful mortal alive, and when Paris saw her, he kidnapped her and took her to his palace, thereby starting the Trojan War. Generally, being "a Helen" either refers to being beautiful or a troublemaker.