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Q: True or False Did The national bank provided financing for western farmers to pay state banks for land taken on credit?
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What did farmers want from the new national government?

1790, American farmers wanted fair tax laws and the right to settle western lands.

In the election of 1828 who provided support for the Andrew Jacksons election?

because he was a common man that's what voters thought ?

What basic difference between Southern and Western farmers emerged from the 1890 elections?

The Alliance found success in the South by working through the Democratic party, but Western farmers held a convention in Omaha in 1892 to nominate their own presidential candidate.

Why did western farmers wanted free silver?

why did western farmers want free silver?

What did western farmers sell as their cash crops?

Western farmers sold wheat and corn as their cash crops.

How did Western farmers use invention technology and innovation to meet the challenges of Western settlement?

The invention of barbed wire by Joseph Glidden in 1874 helped farmers to fence in their lands on the lumber-scarce plains. Using mail-order windmills to drill deep wells provided some water.

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A taxed placed on whiskeybecause farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelled against the taxbecause farmers in western Pennsylvania rebelled against the taxType your answer here

Jackson opposed the national bank because he felt that it enabled eastern businesspeople to make money at the expense of southern planters and western farmers.?


What services are provided by Western Union?

There are many services that are provided by Western Union. Examples of services that are provided by Western Union includes bill payments and business solutions.

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Why did the farmers of the colonies rebell against the whiskey tax in the battle of the whiskey rebellion?

Western farmers opposed the whiskey tax because idk. answer it yourself lol... jk. They opposed it because farmers exchanged whiskey and other items they produced for goods they needed. Congress decided to put a special tax on whiskey and other alcoholic beverages to help reduce the national debt. However, western farmers opposed and protested... :) hope this helppss!