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Q: True or False On avereage clouds reflect more solar radiation back to space than the earths surface?
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What are the factors the determine a planets albedo?

Clouds can increase a planet's albedo asthey reflect the radiation

Do clouds reflect sun's radiation?

Some of it but not all. They can also retain some types of radiation, especially thermal radiation.

Do clouds reflect some of the sun's radiation back into space?

Yes, they do, to a limited extent.

What term is used to describe incoming solar radiation?

25% is absorbed by clouds.25% is reflected by clouds.45% is absorbed by the earth's surface.5% is reflected by the earth's surface.So 50% reaches the surface of the earth (But 5% of that is reflected).

How do clouds reflect heat to earth?

Cloud cover prevents IR radiation and light from escaping to space, preventing cooling by radiation.

What effect do clouds have on weather?

Clouds are part of the weather process. The driving factor is not the clouds but the heat from the Sun. This said however, clouds are reflective and when these is a dense cloud cover less solar radiation hits the planets surface. They also tend to act like a blanket and reflect back any heat that the Earth is radiating.

How much solar energy is reflected by the atmosphere and earth's surface?

About 6% of incoming solar radiation is reflected back into space from the atmosphere and 4% by the surface of the earth.Incoming solar radiation: 100%Reflected by the atmosphere: 6% : Absorbed by the atmosphere: 16%Continuing incoming solar radiation: 78%Reflected by clouds: 20% : Absorbed by clouds: 3%Continuing incoming solar radiation: 55%Reflected by the earth's surface: 4% : Absorbed by the earth's surface (lands and oceans): 51%

How much of the sun's energy is absorbed or reflected by clouds?

Yes, about 26% of incoming solar radiation is reflected back into space by the clouds and atmosphere.Incoming solar radiation: 100%Reflected by the atmosphere: 6% : Absorbed by the atmosphere: 16%Continuing incoming solar radiation: 78%Reflected by clouds: 20% : Absorbed by clouds: 3%Continuing incoming solar radiation: 55%Reflected by the earth's surface: 4% : Absorbed by the earth's surface (lands and oceans): 51%

How might a thick puffy cloud reflect a different amount of the Sun's radiation than a thin wispy one?

Thick puffy cloud reflects suns radiation thick clouds reflect radiation keeping earth cool. Thin wispy cloud reflects sun radiation thin don't reflect as much radiation allowing the earth to warm.

Solar radiation that is not reflected is absorbed by what?

Solar radiation that is not reflected is absorbed by the Earth's surface, where it heats up the land, water, and atmosphere. This absorption of solar energy drives processes like photosynthesis, weather patterns, and ocean currents.

What does clouds protect us from?

Clouds are not a form of protection. They dim the sunlight we receive but do not filter UV radiation. They can and do reduce light and infra red radiation reaching the surface of the earth

If clouds absorb only a small amount of solar radiation how is Earth's atmosphere heated?

From the surface. Solar radiation is absorbed by the surface and emitted at a longer wavelength, which is essentially heat.