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Smaller molecules diffuse readily.

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True. Gases with high molecular weights have slower diffusion rates compared to gases with lower molecular weights due to their larger mass and lower average speed of the molecules.

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14y ago

It is true.

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Q: True or false Gases with high molecular weights diffuse more slowly than gases with lower molecular weights?
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Which of the following diffuse faster - honey sugar nitrogen gas?

Nitrogen gas will diffuse the fastest because gases diffuse more rapidly than liquids or solids due to their higher molecular speeds and lack of intermolecular forces that impede diffusion. Honey and sugar are viscous liquids and will diffuse more slowly due to their higher molecular weight and stronger intermolecular forces.

Do liquids and solids diffuse easily?

No, liquids and solids do not diffuse as easily as gases due to their tightly packed molecular structure and lower kinetic energy. Diffusion in liquids is generally slower than in gases, but it can still occur over time. In solids, diffusion is even slower due to the rigid arrangement of molecules.

Do hydrogen and oxygen diffuse?

Yes, both hydrogen and oxygen are gases at room temperature and pressure, so they can diffuse easily in air. Diffusion is the process by which gases mix due to the random motion of their particles.

What describes the properties of solids liquids and gases in terms of the motion of particles?

In solids, particles are tightly packed and vibrate in fixed positions. In liquids, particles are more spread out and move past each other. In gases, particles are widely spaced and move freely in all directions.

Which gas will diffuse faster between bromine and chlorine and why?

Chlorine gas will diffuse faster than bromine gas because it has a lower molecular weight and therefore moves more quickly through a medium. The rate of diffusion is inversely proportional to the square root of the molar mass of the gas, so lighter gases diffuse faster.

Related questions

Why do gases diffuse rapidly while liquids diffuse slowly?

Gases have higher kinetic energy and move more freely in all directions compared to liquids, which are more tightly packed. This allows gas particles to spread out more quickly and cover a larger area, resulting in faster diffusion. In contrast, liquids have lower kinetic energy and experience more intermolecular forces, leading to a slower diffusion rate.

Which one of the gases in air would diffuse faster?

Nitrogen gas because it has the smallest molecular mass.............

Cant you control the fusion reaction by mixing some gases which can act as a coolant?

gases are least ikely to be used as coolents due to their molecular weights .instead heavy water i.e. D2O deuterium is used as a coolent gases are least ikely to be used as coolents due to their molecular weights .instead heavy water i.e. D2O deuterium is used as a coolent

What describes the properties of solids liquids and gases in terms of the motion of particles?

In solids, particles are tightly packed and vibrate in fixed positions. In liquids, particles are more spread out and move past each other. In gases, particles are widely spaced and move freely in all directions.

Gases diffuse most efficiently across what?

Diffusion of gases easily occurs across a membrane. The gases will have to be converted into liquids so as to diffuse easily.

Do hydrogen and oxygen diffuse?

Yes, both hydrogen and oxygen are gases at room temperature and pressure, so they can diffuse easily in air. Diffusion is the process by which gases mix due to the random motion of their particles.

what are the gases diffuse at lowest rate?

gases with the higher molar mass

How do gases diffuse in and out of plants?

Gases diffuse into and out of plants through small openings on the surface called stomata. These stomata are surrounded by guard cells that can open and close to regulate the exchange of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide with the environment. The process of gas exchange is essential for photosynthesis and respiration in plants.

Describe the molecular distance and motion in the three states of matter?

In solids, molecules are tightly packed and vibrate in fixed positions. In liquids, molecules are loosely packed and move freely past each other. In gases, molecules are far apart and move rapidly and randomly.

What procedure is used for diffusion of gases?

what is the procedure to diffuse two gases show the result

Do gas diffuse?

by cooling

Why oxygen nitrogen exist in molecular state?

Oxygen and nitrogen are diatomic molecules, meaning they exist as molecules consisting of two atoms of the same element bonded together. Oxygen forms O2 molecules while nitrogen forms N2 molecules due to the stability achieved through electron sharing in the covalent bonds between the atoms. This molecular form allows them to exist in a gaseous state at room temperature and pressure.