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false, point mutation is the change in any single base within DNA at a given occurs only once during a single mutation

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Q: True or false a point mutation is the failure of a chromosome pair to separate during mitosis?
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What are structural and numerical mutations?

structural mutation have four types of change in the chromosomal structure: TRANSLOCATION, INVERSION, DELETION AND DUPLICATION.while:numerical mutation results from nondisjunction, or the failure of a pair of homologous choromosomes or a pair of sister chromatids to separate during meiosis or mitosis. The effect of nondisjunction during mitosis is not harmful as the effect of nondisjunction during meiosis.

Why do members of chromosome pairs separate during mitosis?

This process results in "Genetic Diversity". [Short Answer]

What structure will the chromatin become in mitosis?

The chromatin in the cell becomes chromosomes in prophase, the first stage of mitosis. The chromatin coils tightly together to form into separate chromosome strands during this phase.

In how many sister cells do chromosome cells separate into?

The chromosomes goes through a process called Mitosis, the total sister cells a chromosome makes is 2

What happens if a cell goes through non-disjunction?

The failure of chromosomes to separate during mitosis results in one gamete that lacks a chromosome and another with 2 chromosomes. Gametes with improper number of chromosomes are called aneuploid gametes. Aneuploid gametes are the most common cause of spontaneous abortion and handfuls of other congenital disorders that varies depending on donors gamete content.

Do the chromosomes separate once in both mitosis and meiosis?

No. In mitosis the chromosomes separate once. In meiosis, in anaphase I, homologous chromosomes separate, but are still attached as sister chromatids. In anaphase II, the sister chromatids separate. So there are two chromosome separations in meiosis.

What happens to the nucleosomes during mitosis?

During mitosis, the fibers of each individual chromosome are drawn together forming the tightly packed nucleosomes. The tight packing of nucleosomes may help separate chromosomes during mitosis.

How many chromatids are present in a chromosome t the beginning of mitosis?

Two chromatids are present in a chromosome at the beginning of mitosis.

Cell division and chromosome duplication?

duplecadiothe answer is........... MITOSIS

What is the chromosome number after mitosis?


What is it called when chromosomes don't separate correctly during meiosis?


What will cause a mutation to be passed on to an offspring?
