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False. Social behavior can be driven by a variety of factors including self-interest, cooperation, competition, and altruism. While altruism is one form of social behavior where individuals act selflessly for the benefit of others, social behavior can also be motivated by selfish reasons or a mix of altruism and self-interest.

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Q: True or false social behavior is always altruistic?
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True or false behaviorists believe that a psychologist's primary study should be directly observed behavior the unconscious mind in the key element in determining behavior?

False. Behaviorists believe that psychologists should focus on directly observable behavior rather than the unconscious mind. They emphasize the influence of external factors on behavior and disregard internal mental processes as the key element in determining behavior.

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Are scripts always self-sabotaging and need to be changed?

No, scripts are not always self-sabotaging. Scripts are simply automatic patterns of thinking and behavior that can be helpful or unhelpful depending on the situation. If a script is leading to self-sabotage, it can be beneficial to identify and change it through therapy, mindfulness, or other techniques.

Can a lemmings behavior tell us anything about human behavior?

Studying lemming behavior can provide insight into collective animal behavior and social dynamics. While there are some parallels that can be drawn to human behavior, it's important to be cautious in directly applying findings from one species to another due to the complexity and unique factors influencing human behavior.

How does psychology differ from false explanations of behavior?

Psychology is a scientific study that uses empirical evidence to understand and explain human behavior, while false explanations of behavior are typically based on unfounded beliefs, personal opinions, or pseudoscience. Psychology relies on rigorous research methods and peer-reviewed evidence to support its findings, whereas false explanations lack scientific validation and may be based on superstition, anecdotal evidence, or bias.