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Electrons exist in orbitals around the nucleus of an atom. It takes energy to knock an electron from the orbital it is in to an orbital a greater distance from the nucleus. The electron gives off energy when it falls closer to the nucleus. A Danish Scientist named Niels Bohr figured it out.

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True. According to the principle of quantized energy levels in atoms, electrons farther from the nucleus have higher energy levels.

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Q: True or false the greater the distance of an electron from the nucleus the less energy it has?
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What is the region around the nucleus of an atom occupied by electrons?

The region around the nucleus of an atom occupied by electrons is called the electron cloud or electron shell. This is where electrons are most likely to be found based on their energy levels or orbitals.

Characteristics of the series of levels surrounding the nucleus?

The series of levels surrounding the nucleus in an atom are referred to as electron shells. These shells represent different energy levels where electrons are located. As you move farther from the nucleus, the energy levels increase, allowing for more electrons to occupy them. The electrons in the outermost shell, known as the valence shell, play a key role in determining the chemical properties of the atom.

1 Explain why shorter wavelengths are more dangerous than those with longer wavelengths?

Shorter wavelengths have more energy E= hc/w and this greater energy can do greater damage by ionizing atoms and changing chemical reactions and changing atoms even the Nucleus.

The region around the atomic nucleus occupied by the electrons is called the negative zone?

The region around the atomic nucleus occupied by the electrons is called the electron cloud or electron cloud model. It represents the probable location of the electrons based on their energy levels and is often depicted as a fuzzy, three-dimensional space where the electrons are most likely to be found.

Does an atom's nucleus hold a large amount of kinetic energy?

Yes, the nucleus of an atom holds a large amount of potential energy due to the strong nuclear forces binding the protons and neutrons together. This potential energy can be released as kinetic energy during nuclear reactions.

Related questions

In an atom an electron that is close to the nucleus is on the highest enegry level?

No, electrons close to the nucleus have lower energy levels. Electrons on higher energy levels are located farther away from the nucleus.

The farther an electron is from the nucleus the?

The farther an electron is from the nucleus, the greater its energy.

How does the energy of an elelecton relate to its distance from from the nucleus?

Because if the radius is big, then the large distance affects the strenght of the electron with the nucleus. This also increases reactivity in non metals since it will be easier to take away the electron :)

What phrase describes the position of an electron relates to its energy?

The farther an electron is from the nucleus, the greater its energy.

What does the energy of each level n depend on?

The energy of each level n in an atom depends on the principal quantum number n. The energy increases as the value of n increases. This is due to the relationship between the distance of the electron from the nucleus and its energy.

What phrases describes how the position of an electron relates to its energy?

The farther an electron is from the nucleus, the greater its energy.

What describes how the position of an electron relates to it's energy?

The farther an electron is from the nucleus, the greater its energy.

Why does bromine have higher ionization energy then lead?

Bromine has a higher ionization energy than lead because bromine is a nonmetal while lead is a metal. Nonmetals generally have higher ionization energies compared to metals due to their smaller atomic size and stronger attraction between the nucleus and the valence electrons. This makes it more difficult to remove an electron from a nonmetal like bromine compared to a metal like lead.

Why potassium is more reactive than sodiam?

Potassium is more reactive than sodium because it has one more electron in its outer shell, making it easier for potassium to lose that electron and form a positive ion. This makes potassium more willing to react with other substances to achieve a stable electron configuration.

What are shells of electrons?

The electron shell is an energy level represented as the distance of an electron from the nucleus of the atom

What happens to the energy that an electron has as its distance from the nucleus of the atom increases?

Physically put, the electron has more energy the farther ( higher ) it is from the nucleus. Simple potential energy. PE = mgh

what is possible state for an electron of an atom that is proportional to its distance to the nucleus?

Energy level