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Q: True or false the largest phylum of animals is mollusks?
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True or false a phylum is composed only of groups of animals that look similar on the outside?

False. A phylum is a taxonomic rank that consists of animals sharing a common ancestor and certain key characteristics, which may not always be apparent from external similarities. Phyla can include a wide variety of body forms and structures.

The circulatory system of most mollusks is known as an?

most animilia in phylum mollusca have an open ciculatory system along with a false ceolom

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Yes. The largest antelope eat plants and animals because it is big enough to.

Is phylum Chordata represents vertebrate animals exclusively?

No, the phylum Chordata includes both vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Vertebrates are a subphylum within Chordata and have a backbone or spinal column, whereas invertebrate chordates, like tunicates and lancelets, lack a backbone.

Is the type of body cavity shared by all mollusks is a pseudocelom?

The type of body cavity shared by all mollusks is pseudocoelom is a false statement. The correct answer is coelom.

True or false Most mollusks breathe with ciliated gills located in their mantle cavity?


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False the largest one is ALASKA

Is it true or false that earthworms and leeches are members of the same phylum?

Yes, it is true. Both Leeches and Earthworms have round bodies and are members of the phylum Annelida. The common name of this phyla is "roundworms". Their body structure is an important evolutionary link as they are the first group of animals with blood vessels. They are also the first segmented animals and have both circular and longitudinal muscles in their body cavity.

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Are mollusks segmented?

No ......mollusks are not segmented,like insects....just their body is partitioned into head, foot, and visceral hump..........but one can't take it as segmentation.........