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Q: Two atoms of the same element when bonded fORM A?
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Two Atoms of the same element when bonded form what?


When atoms of the same element bond together what is that called?

The same atoms bonded together are elements. Different atoms bonded together are compounds. Oxygen gas, O2, is an element composed of molecules of two oxygen atoms covalently bonded. Water, H2O is a molecular compound composed of two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms covalently bonded. Common table salt, NaCl, is an ionic compound composed of sodium and chloride ions ionically bonded.

Are compounds made from different types of atoms that are chemically bonded?

Yes. A compound is a substance made of atoms that are chemically bonded.

When two atoms of the same element are bonded they form a what molecule?

They form a dimolecule, for example O2 is dioxygen. They form a DIATOMIC MOLECULE, an example of which is O2These answers have a LOT of mistakes. Who is doing your responses?

Is F2 an compound?

NO. Any molecule made up of atoms of the same element is covalently bonded.

Tiny group of two or more atoms bonded together?

if the atoms are of the same type then they would form an element. if the atons are not of the same type then they would be a compound. the atoms or the group of atoms join together with the help of a bond which is formed either by the donation or sharing of an electron.

What is it called when the atoms are all the same?

the same type of atoms come together to form an element

Why are some elements found in nature mainly as their ions and not pure elements?

Many elements are found in nature in molecular form - two or more atoms (of the same type of element) are bonded together. Oxygen, for example, is most commonly found in its molecular form "O2" (two oxygen atoms chemically bonded together).

Why to atoms of element in the same group o the periodic table tend to form the same charge if they become an ion or form the same number of covalent bonds when bonded in this way to the other atoms?

because the elements themselfs become prototypes and so become decayed i think. warning this maybe the wrong answer.

What are elements with isotopic atoms?

Elements with isotopic atoms? An isotope is the same form of an element, but with a different number of neutrons. An element with isotopes/"isotopic atoms" is simply an element with isotopes.

How is diamonds and granite the same?

diamonds and graphite are the same as they are made of the same element: carbon. what makes them so different in apperance is the different way the carbon atoms are bonded.

What is an element whose atoms can form a covalent bonds with another atom of the same element called?

The answer expected here is non-metal, and examples are carbon, chlorine, sulfur phosphorus. Metals have metallic bonds. However there are compounds where atoms of a metallic element form covalent bonds to other atoms of the same element.