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they arent falling at the same speed because gravity is stronger with a heavier object

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Q: Two different masses are they falling at the same speed?
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How do different masses fall in a vacuum?

In vacuum, all masses big and small fall with the same acceleration, and reach the same speed in the same amount of time.

Why is gravity is same for all masses on earth?

The acceleration of a falling mass due to gravity is the same for all, but the force ofgravity is definitely not the same on all masses. You may have noticed that differentpeople have different weights.

Is it possible for atoms of the same chemical element to have different masses?

Yes, different isotopes of the same element have different masses.

The different molecules that make up the air in a room have on average the same kinetic energy how does the speed of the different air molecules depend on their masses?

If mixed together, molecules with various masses will move at different speeds related to their mass.

Why are astronants weightless in space?

The astronaut, space ship and everything in it are all falling at the same speed (falling around the Earth is called ORBIT). If everything is falling at the same speed, they are effectively weightless. Its like falling in an elevator, if everything is falling at the same speed you will appear to be floating around the elevator. Until it reaches the basement.

How is it possible for objects to have the same volume but different masses?

Their masses are different. (Mass = density * volume)

How can two objectes with different masses execute the same force?

If the weight of both masses are the same.

What must be absent for two objects of drastically different masses to fall at the exact same speed if they rely only on gravity?

air resistance

What do you use to see if all object fall at the same speed?

yes, all the objects fall at same speed if we neglect air resistence but they appear to be falling at different speeds due to air resistence.

If two solids have the same masses but different volumes they have?

If two solids have the same masses but different volumes they have different densities.

Why is that 2 atoms of fluorine have same properties but different masses?

They have the same properties because they are of the same element and have the same amount of protons. They may have different masses which means they have a different number of neutrons. These species are called isotopes.

If 2 balls of different masses are propelled vertically upward at the same speed from the same height which will hit the ground first?

They'll both reach the top of their arcs, turn around, and begin to fall at the same time, fall with the same acceleration, and hit the ground at the same time with the same speed.