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Q: Two future U.S. presidents signed me. Two didn't because they were abroad. Despite my importance modern viewers seem to think I have a glaring spelling error. What document am I?
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The is the correct spelling of "despite" (in spite of).

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The correct spelling is persevering (continuing despite adversity, persisting).

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The correct spelling is the transposition regardless (in spite of impediment, despite).

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I believe it is pronounced, despite the spelling, JEFF-reez.

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Assuming the words are "vertices" and "prism" - despite the spelling - the answer is six.

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No. The A retains the long A sound as in "hate" despite the spelling. (hay-trid)

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That is the correct spelling eke used as the verb "to eke out" (to produce or survive despite difficulty).

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Rhymes are based on the ending sound of words, not necessarily their spelling. "Why" and "sylAbol" have a similar ending sound of "ai," which allows them to rhyme, despite the difference in spelling.

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They did nothing to change women role subordinate role in society

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RFC is an acronym from "Request For Comments". RFC is a document describing the specifications of an recommended technology. Despite the word "request" being in the name, an RFC document becomes a standard if it's ratified.

Do Lentils have anything to do with Lent?

No. Despite the similarity in spelling, the etymology of the two words is quite different, and lentils do not play any special role in Lent.

How do you spell perch?

The word sought may be "persevere" (to endure, to proceed despite adversity).