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No. It depends on the 'heat capacity' of the substance involved. That's why we use a hot "water" bottle to keep our feet warm in bed, and not a hot "alcohol" bottle, a hot "jello" bottle etc. Water is capable of holding a lot of heat. When you put 'X' amount of heat into water, its temperature doesn't go up as much as MOST other substances would with the same amount of added heat, so water is a very effective way of storing heat and carrying heat around from place to place.

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Q: Two objects with the same temperature must have an equal quantity of heat?
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When thermal energy flows between two objects does the temperature increase of one's object always equal the temperature decrease the other?

No. The quantity of heat that flows out of one is equal to the quantity that flows into the other one, but the changes in temperature don't have to be equal. By the same analogous token, if you were to dip a glass of water out of an Olympic swimming pool, the level of water in the glass might rise 8 inches, but the level in the pool would not drop by too much.

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What happens when there is a temperature difference between tow objects?

If they are in close contact, the hot object transfers heat to the cold object until both objects are equal in temperature. After which the temperature loss is reduced at the same rate until both objects have cooled to ambient temperature (the temperature of the surrounding air). If they are not in close contact, then most of the heat is dispersed into the air.

When one object heats another does the temperature increase of on object always equal the temperature decrease of the other object?

No. You must take into account the mass of the objects AND the specific heat of the objects.

When one object heats another does the temperature increase of one object always equal the temperature decrease of the other object?

No. You must take into account the mass of the objects AND the specific heat of the objects.

How is thermal eqilibrium achived?

Thermal Equilibrium is achieved when two objects reach the same temperature and exchange energy through heat. Eventually the temperature between the two objects will be equal and will stop exchanging heat. At this point, They are in a state of Thermal Equilibrium.

What happens to an objects temperature when you ad heat?

The temperature of the object will rise because of the heat.

Is temperature vector or scalar?

Temperature is a scalar quantity. It has magnitude but not direction.

Does heat is NOT related to temperature differences?

Heat is the amount of energy transferred between objects where a difference in temperature is present. So in that sense, heat is related to temperature differences, but is not the same. The temperature difference is caused by the difference in the avg. speed of particles between the two objects.

What are two factors that determine an object's thermal energy?

An objects temperature and the number of particles

When do objects radiate heat?

When their temperature is greater than the temperature of the adjacent zones.

What is the specific heat of a substance?

The amount of heat a substance can hold.