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Sodium hydroxide is most commonly found in bleaches as it is a highly alkaline substances. Other uses of NaOH include soap and paper.

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13h ago

Two products made using sodium hydroxide are soap and paper. Sodium hydroxide is commonly used in the saponification process to make soap, and it is also used in the pulp and paper industry to break down lignin in wood fibers during the papermaking process.

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What is the Name for NaOH?

The chemical name is Sodium Hydroxide. It is made of Na+ ions and OH- ions.

Is sodium hydroxide man made?

Sodium hydroxide is a manmade product.

What salt is made when sodium hydroxide reacts with hydroxide acid?

There is no reaction. "Hydroxide acid" is water, which does not react with sodium hydroxide.

Is sodium hydroxide a homogeneous mixture?

No, sodium hydroxide is a pure compound, not a mixture. It is a strong base made up of sodium ions (Na+) and hydroxide ions (OH-).

What salt is made using sulphuric acid?

Sodium sulfate salt is made using sulfuric acid. This process involves reacting sulfuric acid with sodium hydroxide to form sodium sulfate and water.

What elements is sodium hydroxide made out of?

It is composed of sodium, hydrogen, and oxygen.

What is Na0H?

NaOH is the chemical formula for sodium hydroxide, which is a strong base commonly used in industry and laboratories. It is a white, solid at room temperature and is highly caustic and reactive with water. Sodium hydroxide is used in various applications such as in the production of soap, paper, and cleaning products.

What is made by reacting fats or oils with sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide?

Soap is made by reacting fats or oils with sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide in a process called saponification.

Is sodium hydroxide natural or man made?

Sodium hydroxide, also known as lye or caustic soda, is a man-made chemical compound. It is produced through the chemical process of electrolysis of salt water or sodium chloride.

Organic salt made by reacting fats or oils with sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide?

Soap is an organic salt made by reacting fats or oils with sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide through a process called saponification.

What compounds is sodium hydroxide?

Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) is an aggressive alkali (base) chemical. It is made by a chemical reaction involving sodium (Na) and Hydroxide (OH). NaOH is the active ingredient in soap, called lye or caustic soda, also detergents and is used in many chemical processes such as the manufacture of paper products. Be extremely careful in handling this chemical as it is very dangerous and can cause serious caustic skin burns or start violent chemical reactions.

What makes sodium hydroxide?

It is a molecule made up of sodium, oxygen, and hydrogen. (NaOH)