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Many people regard these two to be both Enoch and Elijah for the simple reason that they were each taken alive to heaven. Others include Moses as a possibility since the miracles referred to as part of the activities of these two are like a number which Moses was involved in when on earth. Though Enoch, is commonly thought of as one of the two "witness' in Revelations because he never died he is rather the character that is to become the type of the church, in particular the church at the rapture, that is called up to meet God, preceeding the beginning of the tribulation. Moses and Elijah are the most likely candidates for many reasons. If you look at their ministries you will see that it is the only time of prevalent miracles, signs and wonders being performed in the Old Testament. These two also appeared talking with Christ while he was transfigured before the apostles during His earthly ministry. As he was rejected as the Jewish Messiah, he is therefore coming again to His people, with mirror like conditions. Rome will again be in power with a revived Roman Empire, miracles signs and wonders will again become prevalent as they were during Christ's first coming and during the ministries of Elijah and Moses, and Elijah and Moses will be there in the tribulation as the two witness's testifying to the world who the Anti Christ, who imposters the Jewish Messiah, really is, telling the world that this character who we call antichrist is in fact the Devil incarnate. They will be there during this time, as likewise they were there during the first coming. Its all going to come full circle. I hope that helps.

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Two prophets mentioned in the book of Revelation are Elijah and Moses. They are described as witnesses who will appear during the end times to testify and prophesy before the final judgment.

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